About     ------>

Everything is about connection. Painting by Gabriella Rosenau


Breaking new ground is exciting. It can also be daunting and hard to find your way. We support solo business owners with the language, strategic guidance and a wealth of imagination, to proudly take their business out into the world. 

Inhale deeply, let your shoulders drop. This creative communications practice is a breath of fresh air for what’s otherwise known as brand strategy and brand positioning.

“Tiffany is like a doula helping me birth my business.” Bridget, Beholdr


Being in a business of one can be phenomenal. But it can also be restrictive. You’re likely here because you’re tied up in knots over where to start. Or you’ve found yourself stuck, desperate for a dose of fresh energy to set you free. 

You know you’re good at what you do. Your customers do as well. But trying to bottle up that excellence and sell it when you’re so close to it? You’re not alone in finding that impossible.

"Powerful me-shaped messages, that's what I came for. The bonus I didn't expect: connecting with myself and the boost to my self worth. I'm now proudly taking up space and creating change." Ivi, Casagrande


The good news is problems are powerful places to start.

The one thing you know for sure is that you’re not interested in same-same. And one thing we know for sure is: you know yourself and your brand best. You just need some help making the right connections and getting to the good stuff.

Welcome to another way of celebrating your difference. Our approach reveals the truth of why what you're doing matters and gives you the tools to express it. It’s time to plant roots in the right places for your brand to grow. See Services to get started.


Building a brand is hard. And doing it your own way is even harder. We are here for the risk takers and lone rangers, the solo business owners rejecting business-as-usual to find ways that better serve people and the planet.

Rogue Matters was founded in 2016 by Tiffany Arntson, a comms expert with 20 years experience in agencyland, and also an artist. Find out more in Meet Tiffany


There’s no time like the present. Whether developing a new proposition or reinvigorating your brand, content and messaging, get in touch for a chat.